
Ramapithecus fossils

Ramapithecus an extinct group of primates that lived from about 12 to 14 million year ago. fossil of ramapithecus were discovered in north India and east Africa in being in 1932. Although it was generally an ape like structure possible considered as a human ancient.In 1934 G.E. Lewes described ramapithecus as a hominid Simon examined the finding of the Miocene early Pliocene period. and gave the two genera at that time. Ramapithecus and Dryopithecus. In ramapithecus the incisor and canines are in smaller in relation to molar but it is not show in dryopithecus. The upper jaw of ramapithecus is shontend.

Discovery and Distribution

The first discovery of ramapithecus fossil was made by G.E.Lewse in 1932 in Siwalik hills resions of India. He assgned the one of fossil an upper jaw to a new  genius and species named "ramapithecus brevrostris"mean rama's ape and he also suggested the name "short snouted".
Ramapithecus fossils find was made by L.S.B.leaky near fortteranan in south western  kenya in 1961,specimen included both side of an upper jaw and named it "kanya pithecus wickers" anather Ramapithecus specimen was excavate by "vonfreyung"a Germany geologist in Greeks during 2nd world war named "graicapithecous freburg" has found a complete tooth bearing part of lower jaw.

Anatomical Characteristics:

(1)Insicexs and canine are insented vertically  and not in slid. pro cumbent position as in apes.
(2)Small canine and large molars.
(3)the canine of the ramapithecusare are not projected and they posses narrow faces.
(4)Little or on canine diastema
(5)the dental archade is rounded.
(6)the palate of the ramapithecus is arched Asia men.
(7)Flatend and thick enamant, primulans, and molars for heavy chewing and processing of head food stops.
(8)Ramapithecus has a canine fossa.
(9) The molars possess the dryopithecus 4-5 cross pattern.
(10) Reduction of size of third mollar as compair short maxilla.
(11)Short maxilla
(12) Worked erect on the feet.
(13) Phylogenetic posion.
(14) The dryopithicus primate primate made their appearance in eurap,Asia,and Africa during Miocene and Pliocene epoch.There size regence from Gibbon body from ,the body structure of modern  girilla.
(15)Gregory and hellman came to the conclusion that dryopithecinine were common ancient of the anthropoida apes and men.
(16) Ramapithecus posteranial remains and suggest that while ramapithecus was about 20 kg, sivapithecus 40 kg, while gigantopithecus 70 kg.
(17) according to some anthropologist ramapithecus represent the oldest know ancestor of human life.

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