
Archaeological anthropologi

anthropology is the comparative study of mankind both past and present of a congregation of various distinct branches. Through this discipline come to light a few centuries back. Most of it is constituent were vitalize after the mid 19th century following great interpretation put by forth by Charles darwin. But prehistory the study of life before the time of record history usually through combined of methodologies of archaeology and physical anthropology .It is important discipline among all other branches of anthropology which deal with undocumented historical evidences.
Prehistory is a unique scientific discipline it takes its evidences in large part from the dead from ancient tombs, grave sites and scattered of skeletons and other palaeo relics. But its aim is the illumination of living past generally through analysis of cultural remains left behind by palaeo people. In this sphere arehaeologist, perhistory not only seek to study or reconstruct the daily life and the socio-economic condition of palaeo population but also traces cultural change and provided possible explanation as to why those changes occurred.

About 1% of the human past can be studied through written documents, the remaining 99% has left no written records and this outside boundary of human life. The 99% of past is the main subject matter of archaeology specifically known as prehistoric anthropology or archaeological anthropology.
The word prehistoric is so familiar and widely used that we might assume that the term has been in use for very long time. The first use of the word dates from just a little more then 150 years ago in 1851 when Daniel Wilson used it as the title of the archaeology and prehistoric annals of Scotland(1851). Somewhat earlier in 1833 Tournal proposed the age of man divided into Prehistoric period and historic period.


1.The sequence of prehistoric occupation in an area.
2. It studies origin distribution of a prehistoric population.
3. It studies the life style of prehistoric denizens(people) during given period of time.
4. The law of axioms which governed the the socio cultural evolution of a prehistoric population.


1. Collection and study of the artifacts found from the surface through exploration and excavation.
2. Proper analysis and classification of discovered data.
3.The interpretation of prehistoric life from discovered data, reconstruction of the past.


Anthropology is the scientific study of man. It studies man of all places in the world as well as man of all time and at all levels of culture. At present it has four major branches. They are: Physical anthropology, social/cultural anthropology, prehistoric Archaeology and Linguistic Anthropology. Within the purview of Anthropology , it is the prehistoric archaeology who carry on study of this bulk of human existence.Hence prehistoric archaeology is the study of a region or nation or people or race before it took to or new writing.
As a scientific discipline, prehistory is a development. Now it has developed tremendously and has a number of new approaches or subfields. All these sub fields are concerned with the reconstruction of the ways of life of the early man.  


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